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Saturday, September 02, 2006

Exam Tips>


Are you all studying hard for your EOYs?? Yes? Good. hahaha... I'm here to share some useful tips for preparing for your EOYs.

1. Get all the materials that you need.
2. Use about 30 minutes to overview all your materials
3. Create a menu of what you need to know
4. Make a timetable
5. Intense review of most important materials
6. Practise output

An output can be things like:

  • Teaching someone else
  • Making flash cards
  • Mind maps
  • Reciting the main points out loud
  • Making a song
  • Drawing pictures
  • Writing main points on paper FAST


  1. Close your eyes
  2. Blank out your mind
  3. Imagine you have a movie screen on the back of your eyelids
  4. Project images on this movie screen
  5. Feel totally relaxed, comfortable, and enjoyable


  • Get plenty of sleep the night before
  • A few hours before the exam, do not try to learn anything new
  • Do not skimp your meals
  • Arrive at the exam hall early
  • Do not talk to other nervous students
  • Get all your materials ready


  • Do not pay attention to what others are doing
  • Read all instructions carefully
  • Read each question very carefully. Answer the question that is there. Do not assume
  • Budget your time wisely
  • Do what you are confident of first


  • Do the easy questions first
  • Skip the difficult ones and go back to them later
  • Make sure you understand the question and each of the possible choices
  • Do not make a rushed response
  • Immediately rule out the obvious wrong and foolish choices
  • Choose the answer that is MOST correct


  • Always trust your instincts - Your first choice is more likely the correct answer
  • Do not change your answer unless you are absoblutely sure that it is wrong
  • If one answer is substantially longer, it COULD be the right answer
  • If there are two opposites, the answer COULD be one of the two
  • "All of the above" is more likely to be right
  • "None of the above" is more likely to be wrong

Hohoho... That's THE END of what I have for you. Please note that these are only guidelines and will not always be 100% correct. Although there's a lot more tips then these, I think they will all sound nonsensical to you coz you all never attend the course. So I just picked out those that hopefully makes sense to you. hahaha... Okay. Hope that these tips will help all of you in your EOY although most of them are what you already know. Wheeeeee. Remember to study hard hor. JIA YOU FOR EOYS!!!

*signing off* BYE!

(guess who I am!) hahaha